We are an inclusive and welcoming congregation in the heart of Hoboken.

All Saints Episcopal Parish is part of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark, one of the 110 dioceses that comprise the Episcopal Church, and the global Anglican Communion. We do not expect everyone who crosses our threshold to be a firm believer or to have all the answers; we welcome questions and explore them together. Our doors are open to you, regardless of your age, gender, identity, or ability.

We affirm the faith and doctrines that have been handed down to us, including the Holy Eucharist as the sacramental sign and symbol of our faith and baptism as the rite of initiation into the church. The promises we make in our baptism lead us to proclaim—by word and example—the good news of God in Christ, to seek and serve Christ in all persons, to strive for justice and peace among all people, and to respect the dignity of every human being. We seek to live out this calling through worship, music, faith education for all ages, and by serving our neighbors locally and beyond.